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Leading Business Evolution to Sustainable Growth & Innovation

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A little personal history...



From Engineer to Finance to Sales to Operations

A programming computer geek as a child, I started as an electrical engineer at CU Boulder. At 19, I took a break from college with a friend to start a business and got a real-world MBA. A couple of years later, I went back to school and received my actual MBA at the University of Denver. The company that paid for my MBA also hired me as a management consultant where I learned finance and found a love of spreadsheets.

After that, I went on a tech company startup binge for years and grew up as a sales guy closing the big deals as a top performer in the early days of eCommerce. As I sold the deals, I realized that I needed to learn how to deliver the deals, manage the teams, and help the company work better so I could keep the deals I was closing. I wasn't using the term "operations" at the time but that was what I was doing. 

Fast forward and a few startups later, I found my humanitarian calling and joined a humanitarian software platform company where I got a taste for product management rebuilding and relaunching a 12-year-old HIPAA-compliant, PCI-compliant, mission-critical platform that runs all of the disaster response for the American Red Cross, pandemic flu response for CDC, and community programs for United Ways across the U.S.  The platform is processing/tracking anywhere from $40+ million in cash assistance to $3 billion in donations a year.

For the last four years, ​I served as the Chief Operating Officer for a supply chain regulatory compliance software company. During my time with the company, we went public on the NASDAQ, acquired 5 financially accretive companies, and tracked some $30 billion in transactions while surviving a pandemic and navigating tumultuous macroeconomics.


I start most mornings at 4:00 am to meditate, read, and work on projects before the world gets busy. We love the outdoors. In our free time, we are rock climbing, mountain biking, and camping. I love building and improving things whether it is a treehouse, rehabing an old retro camper, working on cars, or tinkering in the garage. A total science geek (esp. astrophysics and quantum mechanics). My wife and I are in a garage band and run a community karoake. I love being a Dad and telling bad Dad jokes. Father of three kids - two in college and one in middle school.


I spent 10 years helping nonprofits and governments do more good at scale. I've co-founded a nonprofit and been on a few boards. I've worked on virtually every human services topic including international aid, disaster response, homelessness, refugees, child welfare, and social service call centers (211). Mentoring the next generation of business builders is one of my favorite things to do. In 2018, I took on the One Woman Challenge to mentor at least one woman a month in business and tech.

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